1. comat::raster_w
    A matrix with weights
  2. comat::raster_w_na
    A matrix with weights and missing values
  3. comat::raster_x
    A matrix with categories
  4. comat::raster_x_na
    A matrix with categories and missing values
  5. comat::raster_y
    A matrix with categories
  6. geostatbook::dane_uzup
  7. geostatbook::granica
  8. geostatbook::punkty
    Dane punktowe
  9. geostatbook::punkty_ndvi
    Dane punktowe NDVI
  10. geostatbook::punkty_pref
    Dane punktowe preferencyjne
  11. geostatbook::siatka
  12. pollen::gdd_data
    Exemplary dataset for GDD calculations
  13. pollen::pollen_count
    Pollen count of alder, birch, and hazel
  14. raceland::pop_vector
    An sf object
  15. rcartocolor::cartocolors
    CARTOColors database
    data.frame|34 x 13
  16. rcartocolor::metacartocolors
    CARTOColors database metadata
  17. rgeopat2::british_isles
    British Isles
  18. sabre::eco_us
    Ecoregions of the United States
  19. sabre::partitions1
    Red regionalization (raster version)
  20. sabre::partitions2
    Blue regionalization (raster version)
  21. sabre::regions1
    Red regionalization
  22. sabre::regions2
    Blue regionalization
  23. spData::LO_nb
    Lucas county OH housing
  24. spData::SplashDams
    Data for Splash Dams in western Oregon
  25. spData::afcon
    Spatial patterns of conflict in Africa 1966-78
  26. spData::africa.rook.nb
    Spatial patterns of conflict in Africa 1966-78
  27. spData::afxy
    Spatial patterns of conflict in Africa 1966-78
  28. spData::aggregating_zones
    Datasets to illustrate the concept of spatial congruence
  29. spData::alaska
    Alaska multipolygon
    sf|1 x 7
  30. spData::auckland
    Marshall's infant mortality in Auckland dataset
  31. spData::auckland.nb
    Marshall's infant mortality in Auckland dataset
  32. spData::auckpolys
    Marshall's infant mortality in Auckland dataset
  33. spData::baltimore
    House sales prices, Baltimore, MD 1978
  34. spData::bbs
    Columbus OH spatial analysis data set
  35. spData::boston.c
    Corrected Boston Housing Data
  36. spData::boston.soi
    Corrected Boston Housing Data
  37. spData::boston.utm
    Corrected Boston Housing Data
    matrix|506 x 2
  38. spData::coffee_data
    World coffee production data
  39. spData::col.gal.nb
    Columbus OH spatial analysis data set
  40. spData::columbus
    Columbus OH spatial analysis data set
  41. spData::congruent
    Datasets to illustrate the concept of spatial congruence
  42. spData::coords
    Columbus OH spatial analysis data set
  43. spData::cycle_hire
    Cycle hire points in London
  44. spData::cycle_hire_osm
    Cycle hire points in London from OSM
  45. spData::depmunic
    Municipality departments of Athens (Sf)
  46. spData::dll
    1980 Presidential election results
  47. spData::e80_queen
    1980 Presidential election results
  48. spData::eire.coords.utm
    Eire data sets
  49. spData::eire.df
    Eire data sets
  50. spData::eire.nb
    Eire data sets
  51. spData::eire.polys.utm
    Eire data sets
  52. spData::elect80
    1980 Presidential election results
  53. spData::elect80_lw
    1980 Presidential election results
  54. spData::go_x
    Getis-Ord remote sensing example data
  55. spData::go_xyz
    Getis-Ord remote sensing example data
  56. spData::go_y
    Getis-Ord remote sensing example data
  57. spData::hawaii
    Hawaii multipolygon
    sf|1 x 7
  58. spData::hopkins
    Hopkins burnt savanna herb remains
    matrix|40 x 40
  59. spData::house
    Lucas county OH housing
  60. spData::huddersfield
    Prevalence of respiratory symptoms
  61. spData::incongruent
    Datasets to illustrate the concept of spatial congruence
  62. spData::jenks71
    Illinois 1959 county gross farm product value per acre
  63. spData::k4
    1980 Presidential election results
  64. spData::listw_NY
    New York leukemia data
  65. spData::lnd
    The boroughs of London
  66. spData::nc.sids
    North Carolina SIDS data
  67. spData::ncCC89.nb
    North Carolina SIDS data
  68. spData::ncCR85.nb
    North Carolina SIDS data
  69. spData::nydata
    New York leukemia data
  70. spData::nz
    Regions in New Zealand
  71. spData::nz_height
    High points in New Zealand
  72. spData::paper.nb
    Spatial patterns of conflict in Africa 1966-78
  73. spData::polys
    Columbus OH spatial analysis data set
  74. spData::properties
    Dataset of properties in the municipality of Athens (sf)
  75. spData::seine
    Small river network in France
  76. spData::sidscents
    North Carolina SIDS data
  77. spData::sidspolys
    North Carolina SIDS data
  78. spData::state.vbm
    US State Visibility Based Map
  79. spData::trMat
    Lucas county OH housing
  80. spData::urban_agglomerations
    Major urban areas worldwide
  81. spData::us_states
    US states polygons
    sf|49 x 7
  82. spData::us_states_df
    the American Community Survey (ACS) data
  83. spData::usa48.nb
    US 1960 used car prices
  84. spData::used.cars
    US 1960 used car prices
  85. spData::wheat
    Mercer and Hall wheat yield data
  86. spData::world
    World country polygons
  87. spData::worldbank_df
    World Bank data
  88. spDataLarge::bristol_od
    Datasets providing a snapshot of Bristol's transport system
  89. spDataLarge::bristol_region
    Datasets providing a snapshot of Bristol's transport system
  90. spDataLarge::bristol_stations
    Datasets providing a snapshot of Bristol's transport system
  91. spDataLarge::bristol_ttwa
    Datasets providing a snapshot of Bristol's transport system
  92. spDataLarge::bristol_ways
    Datasets providing a snapshot of Bristol's transport system
  93. spDataLarge::bristol_zones
    Datasets providing a snapshot of Bristol's transport system
  94. spDataLarge::census_de
    Datasets providing building blocks for a location analysis
  95. spDataLarge::comm
    Community matrix of the Mt. Mongón
  96. spDataLarge::london_streets
    Streets of london downloaded from OSM
  97. spDataLarge::lsl
    Landslide dataset from Southern Ecuador
  98. spDataLarge::metro_names
    Datasets providing building blocks for a location analysis
  99. spDataLarge::pol_pres15
    Polish election data 2015
  100. spDataLarge::random_points
    Random points.
  101. spDataLarge::shops
    Datasets providing building blocks for a location analysis
  102. spDataLarge::study_area
    Mask of the study area on the Mount Mongón
  103. spDataLarge::study_mask
    Landslide dataset from Southern Ecuador
  104. spDataLarge::zion_points
    Point vector data