- comat::raster_wA matrix with weights
- comat::raster_w_naA matrix with weights and missing values
- comat::raster_xA matrix with categories
- comat::raster_x_naA matrix with categories and missing values
- comat::raster_yA matrix with categories
- geostatbook::dane_uzupSiatka
- geostatbook::granicaGranica
- geostatbook::punktyDane punktowe
- geostatbook::punkty_ndviDane punktowe NDVI
- geostatbook::punkty_prefDane punktowe preferencyjne
- geostatbook::siatkaSiatka
- pollen::gdd_dataExemplary dataset for GDD calculations
- pollen::pollen_countPollen count of alder, birch, and hazel
- raceland::pop_vectorAn sf object
- rcartocolor::cartocolorsCARTOColors database
- rcartocolor::metacartocolorsCARTOColors database metadata
- rgeopat2::british_islesBritish Isles
- sabre::eco_usEcoregions of the United States
- sabre::partitions1Red regionalization (raster version)
- sabre::partitions2Blue regionalization (raster version)
- sabre::regions1Red regionalization
- sabre::regions2Blue regionalization
- spData::LO_nbLucas county OH housing
- spData::SplashDamsData for Splash Dams in western Oregon
- spData::afconSpatial patterns of conflict in Africa 1966-78
- spData::africa.rook.nbSpatial patterns of conflict in Africa 1966-78
- spData::afxySpatial patterns of conflict in Africa 1966-78
- spData::aggregating_zonesDatasets to illustrate the concept of spatial congruence
- spData::alaskaAlaska multipolygon
- spData::aucklandMarshall's infant mortality in Auckland dataset
- spData::auckland.nbMarshall's infant mortality in Auckland dataset
- spData::auckpolysMarshall's infant mortality in Auckland dataset
- spData::baltimoreHouse sales prices, Baltimore, MD 1978
- spData::bbsColumbus OH spatial analysis data set
- spData::boston.cCorrected Boston Housing Data
- spData::boston.soiCorrected Boston Housing Data
- spData::boston.utmCorrected Boston Housing Data
- spData::coffee_dataWorld coffee production data
- spData::col.gal.nbColumbus OH spatial analysis data set
- spData::columbusColumbus OH spatial analysis data set
- spData::congruentDatasets to illustrate the concept of spatial congruence
- spData::coordsColumbus OH spatial analysis data set
- spData::cycle_hireCycle hire points in London
- spData::cycle_hire_osmCycle hire points in London from OSM
- spData::depmunicMunicipality departments of Athens (Sf)
- spData::dll1980 Presidential election results
- spData::e80_queen1980 Presidential election results
- spData::eire.coords.utmEire data sets
- spData::eire.dfEire data sets
- spData::eire.nbEire data sets
- spData::eire.polys.utmEire data sets
- spData::elect801980 Presidential election results
- spData::elect80_lw1980 Presidential election results
- spData::go_xGetis-Ord remote sensing example data
- spData::go_xyzGetis-Ord remote sensing example data
- spData::go_yGetis-Ord remote sensing example data
- spData::hawaiiHawaii multipolygon
- spData::hopkinsHopkins burnt savanna herb remains
- spData::houseLucas county OH housing
- spData::huddersfieldPrevalence of respiratory symptoms
- spData::incongruentDatasets to illustrate the concept of spatial congruence
- spData::jenks71Illinois 1959 county gross farm product value per acre
- spData::k41980 Presidential election results
- spData::listw_NYNew York leukemia data
- spData::lndThe boroughs of London
- spData::nc.sidsNorth Carolina SIDS data
- spData::ncCC89.nbNorth Carolina SIDS data
- spData::ncCR85.nbNorth Carolina SIDS data
- spData::nydataNew York leukemia data
- spData::nzRegions in New Zealand
- spData::nz_heightHigh points in New Zealand
- spData::paper.nbSpatial patterns of conflict in Africa 1966-78
- spData::polysColumbus OH spatial analysis data set
- spData::propertiesDataset of properties in the municipality of Athens (sf)
- spData::seineSmall river network in France
- spData::sidscentsNorth Carolina SIDS data
- spData::sidspolysNorth Carolina SIDS data
- spData::state.vbmUS State Visibility Based Map
- spData::trMatLucas county OH housing
- spData::urban_agglomerationsMajor urban areas worldwide
- spData::us_statesUS states polygons
- spData::us_states_dfthe American Community Survey (ACS) data
- spData::usa48.nbUS 1960 used car prices
- spData::used.carsUS 1960 used car prices
- spData::wheatMercer and Hall wheat yield data
- spData::worldWorld country polygons
- spData::worldbank_dfWorld Bank data
- spDataLarge::bristol_odDatasets providing a snapshot of Bristol's transport system
- spDataLarge::bristol_regionDatasets providing a snapshot of Bristol's transport system
- spDataLarge::bristol_stationsDatasets providing a snapshot of Bristol's transport system
- spDataLarge::bristol_ttwaDatasets providing a snapshot of Bristol's transport system
- spDataLarge::bristol_waysDatasets providing a snapshot of Bristol's transport system
- spDataLarge::bristol_zonesDatasets providing a snapshot of Bristol's transport system
- spDataLarge::census_deDatasets providing building blocks for a location analysis
- spDataLarge::commCommunity matrix of the Mt. Mongón
- spDataLarge::london_streetsStreets of london downloaded from OSM
- spDataLarge::lslLandslide dataset from Southern Ecuador
- spDataLarge::metro_namesDatasets providing building blocks for a location analysis
- spDataLarge::pol_pres15Polish election data 2015
- spDataLarge::random_pointsRandom points.
- spDataLarge::shopsDatasets providing building blocks for a location analysis
- spDataLarge::study_areaMask of the study area on the Mount Mongón
- spDataLarge::study_maskLandslide dataset from Southern Ecuador
- spDataLarge::zion_pointsPoint vector data